Tapping Programme For Mums
Be the happier and calmer Mum you wish you could be
Learn the tools to help you and your children with anxiety, fear and rage
Be amongst other Mums and feel the power of a weekly tapping circle
Know that you are supported on your motherhood journey with a qualified EFT Advanced Practitioner and Early Years Educator

What is included in the 7 week-long programme?
A private 1/2 hour one-to-one introductory session to EFT with myself
An hour-long Tapping Circle each week via zoom. This is a small private group of Mums where we tap on a different theme each week.
Themes include anxiety, fear and sadness (yours and your child's), behaviour/anger, sleep deprivation, overwhelm and self-worth
Choose a Tapping Circle time slot which fits in with your schedule
Essential resources and Tapping Scripts emailed weekly to help you and your children
Subscription to my Tapping Into Good Health Newsletter
Group membership to a private Facebook group for Mums
Access to a free monthly Group Tapping Circle after the 7 week programme
When does it take place?
The next programme will start at the beginning of January 2024. Please contact me below to book your place (there are limited places).
How much does it cost ?
£100 for the seven week programme. If this fee is unmanageable I can add you to the waiting list for reduced fee services.